by gzamoradmin | Aug 30, 2023 | Blog
AI is a fast growing industry, and it has often left lawmakers and copyright officials struggling to catch up. As more and more AI content and art comes out, so does the question of the rights to protect that AI created content. Plus, there are issues with artists...
by gzamoradmin | Aug 21, 2023 | Blog
The perfume industry is an intensely creative one. It takes a sense of artistry to play with different scents and create the perfect scent profile to convey the emotion you want to your customers. Just like visual art, writing, or music, there is something so...
by gzamoradmin | Aug 17, 2023 | Blog
Innovating minds have always been valued in the auto industry. That’s more true than ever as car manufacturers race to find ways to create self-driving cars, sustainable electric cars, and more. It’s clear that the auto companies that will lead the charge in today’s...
by gzamoradmin | Aug 11, 2023 | Blog
I’m sure you’ve heard frequent talk about the importance of registering trademark for your brand elements. Your brand name, your logo, unique imagery, even distinct product shapes and packaging can all be trademarked in order to make your brand stand out...
by gzamoradmin | Aug 9, 2023 | Blog
A cease and desist letter is usually the first attempt to resolve an issue of intellectual property infringement. The sender will outline how they claim you have infringed on their intellectual property and will demand that you take down any instances of that...