by gzamoradmin | Feb 5, 2017 | Blog
Cash is rolling in. Got your bills covered with enough left over for some fun money for you too! You can’t help but think that it is time to expand your business. But which cash cow do you feed? What part of your business is really generating the most cash? In...
by gzamoradmin | Jan 19, 2017 | Blog
Memories from your childhood – the long family table under the Italian sun with family and friends, good wine and the best food coming out of your Mother’s kitchen. Five years later – you’re at your family table with the worst store bought lasagna...
by gzamoradmin | Dec 28, 2016 | Blog
“… a dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars” — Kirk (Star Trek, “Whom Gods Destroy”) What a great day, your retirement party has been so enjoyable! On your wrist is a shiny new gold watch commemorating your...
by gzamoradmin | Dec 6, 2016 | Blog
Everything is going great! Your business is growing and you have more customers than you ever imagined. The countless days and nights spent developing great processes have finally paid off with customer needs being exceeded and strong relationships built. Out of the...
by gzamoradmin | Nov 16, 2016 | Blog
Imagine you’re at the settlement table getting ready to receive a check for beaucoup bucks for the sale of the business you started seven years ago! Won’t it be great to take some time to travel before launching your next big idea? While feeling...
by gzamoradmin | Oct 27, 2016 | Blog
Due to the technological advances of cell phones almost everybody is a photographer in today’s day and age. Furthermore, with the rise of social media, it is easier than ever to share your latest photos online for the world to see. With the abundance of...