by gzamoradmin | Nov 16, 2016 | Blog
Imagine you’re at the settlement table getting ready to receive a check for beaucoup bucks for the sale of the business you started seven years ago! Won’t it be great to take some time to travel before launching your next big idea? While feeling...
by gzamoradmin | Oct 27, 2016 | Blog
Due to the technological advances of cell phones almost everybody is a photographer in today’s day and age. Furthermore, with the rise of social media, it is easier than ever to share your latest photos online for the world to see. With the abundance of...
by gzamoradmin | Oct 5, 2016 | Blog
Imagine your customers get the information and service they want before they ask. Are you reading their minds? Wouldn’t that be nice! But no, we’re just listening. What sets apart excellent businesses is the ability to communicate effectively with...
by gzamoradmin | Sep 13, 2016 | Blog
When we talk trademarks, we tend to generally talk about federal trademark registrations. It only natural, because federal trademark registrations offer strong, nationwide protection for brands. Yet if you don’t sell goods or advertise services to customers in...
by gzamoradmin | Aug 26, 2016 | Blog
A comprehensive branding strategy often includes more than just obtaining a federal trademark registration for a company’s name or for one of its products. It can include trademarking the company name, a slogan, product names, and ancillary products. Glock, Inc....