Garcia-Zamor Blog
Not Just A Love For The Game: Why It’s Important To Expand Trademark Classes For Your Esports Registration
Most people get into esports because they love the game and the gaming community. Maybe they get into esports because they have a competitive streak. It’s a fun, exciting way to...
The Era of Streaming Apps: How Can Music Artists Protect Their IP?
Twenty years ago, one of the greatest threats to emerging music artists was online piracy. Music could be found easily on Limewire and similar apps and downloaded for free,...
Your Startup Business Is Your Baby! Protect It, With Intellectual Property Protections Geared Toward Protecting Everything That Is Unique About Your Startup!!!
Startup founders are creators and innovators. They begin their business because they see a solution to a problem and they want to share it with the world. It’s understandable...
Can You Copyright a Programming Language? All Your Questions Answered About IP and Tech!!
It’s not just artists and inventors who have to think about their intellectual property rights and protections. Or rather, there are many different types of artistry and...
Trademarks in Esports: All About How Brands Play Into Your Professional Video Gaming Brand
Forget basketball or football; the games gaining more and more attention lately can often be found in esports. Competitive video gaming allows many self-professed techies to live...
From Elastic to Extraordinary — 4 Historic Patents Granted In March
March is a month of renewal. Spring returns, and with it, creative energy. As the ground begins to thaw, many people have been able to return to their passion projects and create...
Should You File a Provisional Patent Application? If You Don’t Want To Lose Your Invention – Absolutely!!
A provisional patent application is not examined for patentability by the USPTO and can never become a patent. Provisional patent applications expire one year after filing. Over...
When Your Game Becomes Your Business: Protect Your IP While Monetizing Your Hobby
“Welcome to Critical Role, where a bunch of us nerdy voice actors sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons.” That’s how Matthew Mercer has introduced the actual play Twitch...
Get Started Protecting Your Invention Today!
If you’re an inventor, you’re already familiar with the feeling that comes when you get a new idea and want to share it with the world. You’re excited…and a little anxious. You...